Οι δρόμοι της Βρετανίας πλημμύρισαν από νεαρούς και νεαρές, που βγήκαν για να γιορτάσουν την έλευση του 2019.

Oι Υπηρεσίες Έκτακτης Ανάγκης  βρέθηκαν και πάλι επί ποδός για να αντιμετωπίσουν διάφορα περιστατικά μέχρι τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες της Πρωτοχρονιάς.

Όπως άλλωστε συνηθίζεται κάθε παραμονή Πρωτοχρονιάς, πολλοί Βρετανοί κυρίως νέοι ηλικιακά κατανάλωσαν μεγάλες ποσότητες αλκοόλ και τα ευτράπελα δεν έλειψαν με τους μεθυσμένους να κυκλοφορούν στους δρόμους σε άθλια κατάσταση.

Δείτε φωτορεπορτάζ της Daily Mail:

Revellers out in Blackpool celebrating New Year's Eve overnight sit on the kerb as the party continues

New Year's Eve revellers in Newcastle get into the party mood as they see in 2019 overnight

A woman poses for the camera in Newcastle

A brawl takes place in Leeds city centre last night as New Year celebrations got a little out of hand

Revellers in the Lancashire seaside resort of Blackpool on New Year's Eve make the most of their night out

A woman holds a cigarette as she leaves a club in Manchester while revellers enjoy New Year's Eve parties

Two people argue in the street on Deansgate in Manchester as revellers are seen out and about on New Year's Eve

A woman takes a rest on a bollard on Broad Street in Birmingham

A man is held by three police officers on the road during New Year celebrations in Blackpool

Two girls walk barefoot along Deansgate in Manchester last night as revellers enjoy the New Year's Eve parties

Three men rest on the pavement as revellers make the most of the party in Newcastle city centre overnight


A woman is held as two men talk

A man sits on the pavement outside a takeaway while holding his phone on the street in Blackpool last night

A woman collapsed in the arms of a man in Birmingham

Men help a reveller in Birmingham

A man swings his arm at another on Broad Street in Birmingham as revellers party hard into the morning of New Year's Day

One man kicks another on Broad Street in Birmingham while others watch during celebrations to mark the start of 2018

A man pushes his friend along in a buggy in Cardiff as they soak up the celebratory atmosphere in the Welsh capital

Revellers walk past piles of litter on Victoria Embankment in Central London after the New Year celebrations

Πηγή: Dialymail